Once allotted and agreement signed, the prices are firm
Payment shall be made by DD /Cheques payable at Kochi in the name of Nagpal Builders. Collection Charges for outstation cheques will be debited to the client’s account
Possession shall be given to the customers on settling of all the dues to the company.
Statutory deposits, building tax, sales tax, KWA / KSEB cables share of transformer cabling, contribution to construction workers welfare fund and deposits for apartment owner’s association to be paid by the buyer
Company is not responsible for any responsible for any delay in water / electric connection due to the delay with concerned department
All transactions are subject to Cochin jurisdiction only.
On allotment, two agreements will executed between the builder and the purchaser, one for the sale of the undivided share of land and another one for construction contract. Though separate considerations are specified in each agreement, composite value of land and construction will be shown in the payment schedule. Necessary citations to this effect are given in the agreement.
The sale deed of the undivided share of land will be registered in favour of the purchaser on receipt of the entire payment and before handling over. Documentation charges and incidental expenses for the registration of the sale deed will be debited to the buyer’s account.
Rules & Regulations:
Nagpal Builders projects are time bound project. Incase payments are not made as per agreement signed, the builder reserves the right to cancel the allotment, in which case the amount will be returned only after reallotment to another party and without any interest.
Prices will be unchanged upon signing of agreement and allotment.
Payments shall be made by DD/cheque payable at Kochi in the name of Nagpal Builders. Collection charges for outstation cheques will be to client’s account.
The villas will be completed in a period of 15 months from the date of obtaining licence to construct one possession shall be given upon settlement of all dues.
All statutory deposits, taxes and contribution to workers welfare as applicable by law, shall be charged.
Registration charges and incidental expenses as applicable will be charged to the customer’s account and to be paid at the time of registration of plot.
In case, payments are not made as per agreed schedule, the builder reserves the right to cancel the allotment and any amount due to the client, shall be returned only on re-allotment to another party and shall bear no interest.
On allotment two agreements will be executed between the builder and the purchaser, one for the sale of the land and another for construction. Though separate considerations are specified in each agreement, composite value of land and construction will be shown in the payment schedule. Necessary citations to this effect is given in the agreements.